Recently I went to a nationalized bank to open a normal savings account. They asked me to fill the form. It was all normal till I reached a mandatory section where they asked me to fill my Religion and Caste. Honestly, I did not expect this section while opening a bank account. Why would someone (govt or bank) ask the customer’s religion and caste? What does it have to do with opening a bank account!? I wanted to open the account so I duly filled those sections. After filing the form I asked the same question to the bank officer
“Why do you want to know my caste? What does it have to do with opening a bank account?”
“It is needed”, he replied
“Why?”, me
“Some schemes need this information”, he replied calmly
This was the end of our conversation. Since then I am asking the same question to myself and have been searching on the web to find some answer. One of the answers I found that the banks have the rights to provide special schemes for “Target Market Group”. So that’s why they want to know my caste! Banks have special loans schemes for different caste and religion categories.
This revelation fumed a few more questions in my mind
“Does wealth ask your caste?”
“Does the need for money depend on which religion or caste a person belongs to?”
According to me, the idea of someone asking my caste before helping me in distress or need is a horrifying idea. I know it may sound like Brahminical Supremacy to some but, there will be a time when future generations will ask these questions without fear and with full conviction. I just want them to know that there was a person who lived some decades ago who asked these questions.
Future is going to judge Today. Because it’s going to be the Past for it and I want to be on the right side of the truth at all times!