My Opinion – What Has Changed In Indian Politics?

The Context While watching the results of elections in UP (Uttar Pradesh), Uttarakhand, Punjab, Goa and Manipur I started thinking, what has really changed in Indian Politics? The ruling party BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) did clean sweep in UP and Uttarakhand. Of course they lost in Punjab badly to Congress. Goa doesn’t look good either. As far…

Research And Not So Good Relationship

After completing first semester, it was now essential to find some way of funding. I tried to find some research position in first semester. But, I did not get any. There were some professors working on projects which I liked but they did not have any vacancy. And there were some professors working on projects…


My Opinion – ‘Demonetization’ Unanswered Questions

Background Now that we have survived the economic shock of Demonetization, it is about time to ask some serious unanswered questions. Government must come up with the official answers. I must put a disclaimer here that I am a supporter of PM Modi. I admire his dedication, hard working nature and decisiveness. The reasons why…

Education On Street – Take A Break

While walking on a street or driving on a road we miss so much what’s happening around us. Most of the times really commonplace incidences can have unique lessons to be learnt. We ignore such incidences as they seem very trivial. But, are they so trivial? Of course not. Most of the things we do…

My Opinion – Trump Might Just Have Opened A Doorway Of Economic Boost For India

On 20th Jan 2017 controversial Trump took oath as 45th President of United States of America (USA), which is not united on one topic right now i.e. Trump himself. We in India get to read about the protests, riots and incidences of violence on the streets of US cities, against Donald Trump. I will not…

My Opinion – Freedom Of Expression In Today’s India

Freedom of Expression is the most debated, offended and defended topic in the whole world. Most of the narrative comes from media and intelligentsia. The common man does not even know what it exactly means. But, yet every now and then he/she reads about Freedom of Expression (I consider Freedom of Speech a part of…

Education On Streets – Out Of Ordinary

Sometimes we voluntarily do something or some people around us do something which may look unimportant by any standards but are very important lessons. Street life has so much to offer but we choose to ignore it knowingly or unknowingly. We all know that Need is the mother of all inventions but Discomfort can be at…

Education On Streets – The Right Way

Walking and driving on the road has become so commonplace in our lives that, sometimes we don’t even recognize it while we are doing! Every moment on the streets, we make choices and decisions which are results of a very complex algorithms running in our brain. Right algorithms! I know it sounds too much Math…

Education On Streets – Walking On Slippery Roads

Walking on the street is the most common and also most ignored part of our daily life. Every day almost every one of us takes a walk at least once. Every one of us walks with a purpose. Nowadays, we don’t even look at the road we are walking on, because everyone is busy with…